MTK Industres Liverpool

MTK Industries: The Ultimate Guide to Food Packaging Machines.

In today’s fast-paced food industry, the right packaging solution is vital for efficiency, safety, and customer satisfaction. At MTK Industries, we understand the complexities of selecting the ideal food packaging machine for your specific needs. With various types of machines available on the market, it’s crucial to make an informed decision. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the different types of food packaging machines, compare their features, and highlight some of the best options currently available.

1. Horizontal Form Fill Seal (HFFS) Machines

Horizontal Form Fill Seal (HFFS) machines are incredibly versatile and can package a wide range of food products, from granulated items to liquids and semi-solids. These machines form the packaging from a flat roll of film, fill the product into the formed package, and then seal it.


  • Versatility: Suitable for various product types.
  • Speed: Capable of high-speed production.
  • Customization: Allows for customized packaging shapes and sizes.

Notable Example:

One of the standout HFFS machines available at MTK Industries is the MTK HFFS-900. This machine is designed for high performance and includes advanced features like precise temperature control and a user-friendly interface.

2. Vertical Form Fill Seal (VFFS) Machines

Vertical Form Fill Seal (VFFS) machines are another popular choice, especially for products that require vertical packaging. These machines are suitable for free-flowing products like powders, grains, and snacks.


  • High Efficiency: Excellent for bulk production.
  • Space Saving: Requires less floor space compared to horizontal machines.
  • Flexibility: Can handle a range of product types and packaging materials.

Notable Example:

The MTK VFFS-500 from our range at MTK Industries stands out due to its robust design and high-speed operation. It’s particularly well-suited for packing granular foods or snacks.

3. Vacuum Packaging Machines

Vacuum packaging machines are essential for extending the shelf life of perishable food products by removing air from the packaging. This method is widely used for meat, cheese, and other items requiring a longer shelf life.


  • Extended Shelf Life: Reduces oxidation and microbial growth.
  • Quality Maintenance: Keeps products fresh and preserves flavours.
  • Variety: Available in both chamber and external vacuum sealer types.

Notable Example:

The MTK Vacuum Pro-200 is a premium model that you can find on our website. This machine offers excellent durability and an efficient vacuum system, making it perfect for commercial use.

4. Tray Sealing Machines

Tray-sealing machines are ideal for ready-to-eat meals, fresh produce, and other products that require a durable and attractive packaging option. These machines seal pre-formed trays with a film, ensuring product integrity.


  • Product Presentation: Enhances the visual appeal of the product.
  • Sealed Freshness: Ensures a secure and tight seal.
  • Custom Options: Available in manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic versions.

Notable Example:

Our MTK Tray Sealer TS-1000 offers unmatched precision and ease of operation. Explore this innovative solution on our website to give your products a competitive edge.

5. Bottle Filling Machines

Bottle-filling machines are specifically designed for liquid food products. Whether you are packaging oils, sauces, or beverages, an efficient bottle-filling machine is essential.


  • Precision: Accurate filling volumes reduce waste and save costs.
  • Versatility: Can handle various bottle sizes and types.
  • Speed: High-speed models available for large-scale production.

Notable Example:

The MTK Bottle Filler BF-750 is our top-tier product designed to handle different viscosity levels and bottle types. It combines precision and speed to meet your production demands efficiently. Learn more here.

6. Flow Wrapping Machines

Flow wrapping machines are ideal for packaging individual items, such as confectionery, bakery products, and even non-food items. They are designed for high-speed and flexible packaging solutions.


  • High-Speed: Capable of wrapping hundreds of products per minute.
  • Product Protection: Ensures product protection and extends shelf life.
  • Flexibility: Suitable for various types of packaging material, including biodegradable options.

Notable Example:

The MTK Flow Wrapper FW-300 is an excellent choice from our product lineup. With advanced features like automatic film splicing and tension control, it ensures efficient and reliable packaging. More details are available on our website.

7. Multihead Weighers

Multihead weighers are essential components of modern packaging lines, especially for products that need precise portioning like snacks, dried fruits, and confectionery. These machines utilize multiple heads to weigh and dispense products accurately.


  • Accuracy: Ensures consistent product weight, reducing overfill and product giveaway.
  • Speed: High-speed operation ideal for large production runs.
  • Integration: Easily integrates with other packaging machines like VFFS and HFFS for streamlined operations.

Notable Example:

The MTK Weigher MW-200 at MTK Industries is known for its precision and efficiency. This machine helps optimize your packaging process by delivering exact weights for each package. Discover more on our website.

Comparing Different Food Packaging Machines

When selecting the right food packaging machine for your business, several factors must be considered. Here’s a quick comparison to aid your decision-making process:

Speed and Efficiency:

  • HFFS & VFFS Machines: Both types are known for their high-speed capabilities, ideal for large-scale production.
  • Flow Wrapping Machines: Also highly efficient, capable of handling hundreds of units per minute.
  • Bottle Filling Machines & Tray Sealers: While not as fast, they offer precision and reliability for specific applications.


  • HFFS & VFFS Machines: Exceptionally versatile, suitable for a wide range of products.
  • Multihead Weighers: Ideal for various product types requiring precise portioning.

Space Requirements:

  • VFFS Machines: Typically require less floor space.
  • Multihead Weighers: May need more room but offer integration capabilities.

Product Freshness:

  • Vacuum Packaging Machines & Tray Sealers: Both excel in extending product shelf life and maintaining freshness.


Choosing the right food packaging machine is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your business’s efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and customer satisfaction. At MTK Industries, we offer a diverse array of food packaging machines equipped with advanced features to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for speed, versatility, or precision, we have the perfect solution for you.

For personalized assistance and expert guidance, contact Kevin from MTK Industries Liverpool. Kevin and our dedicated team are here to help you find the ideal food packaging machinery to elevate your business’s productivity and quality. Explore our full range of products on our website or reach out to Kevin today!

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