MTK Industries: The New Wave of Sustainability in Food Packaging

The New Wave of Sustainability in Food Packaging

At MTK Industries, when we talk about the profound impact of a broad adoption of sustainable technology, we are not just addressing an issue – we’re discussing the future of our planet. Specifically, the role of food packaging in shaping that future is undeniable and enormous. As the leading storm in a teacup brews over what we use to protect our food and drinks, it becomes imperative to look for champions supporting both our environmental and industrial needs.

The Double-Edged Sword of Conventional Food Packaging

The age-old traditional plastic packaging, primarily made from fossil-based resources, has been a standard in the industry for its durability, flexibility, and economical production. While serving the fundamental purpose of protecting food from contamination and extending its shelf life, this type of packaging, unfortunately, comes with severe environmental repercussions. The manufacturing process of these plastics releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases. Moreover, their prominent feature of durability becomes an ecological handicap as they lead to unrelenting litter and barely degrade over time.

Innovating Solutions: Steering Towards Sustainable Practices

Acknowledging the dire need for change, MTK Industries is at the forefront of promoting and enabling innovations in food packaging. With the UK Government initiating a tax on plastic packaging containing less than 30% recycled content, the focus has clearly shifted toward sustainability. Projects like the UK Plastics Pact and the 25 Year Environmental Plan illustrate the level of commitment and the robust roadmap laid out to counteract conventional packaging norms.

Embracing the Green Alternative: Bio-Based Food Packaging

The rise of bio-based materials is reshaping the landscape of food packaging. By extracting resources from the bounty of nature—such as plants, fungi, and animals—these innovative materials offer a promising lead into a world where packaging does not cost the earth, literally and metaphorically. Bio-based food packaging is grabbing headlines not just for its reduced carbon footprint during production but also for its biodegradable and compostable properties. However, tout as they might be, terms like ‘biodegradable’ and ‘compostable’ carry significant nuances. While biodegradable materials break down over time, they don’t always do so completely or quickly, sometimes resulting in microplastics that still pose a threat to the environment. Compostable materials, in contrast, decompose under specific conditions, heavily relying on industrial composting facilities to break down effectively.

Beyond the Materials: Unmasking Challenges in Bio-Based Food Packaging

The transition to Bio-Based Food Contact Materials (BBFCMs) such as bamboo, chitin, or seaweed-based products opens up a novel arena of opportunities interlaced with challenges. Ensuring that these materials do not release harmful substances into the food they safeguard is paramount. The intricacy involved in maintaining the balance between protective functionality and avoiding potential health risks is substantial.

Crafting a Sustainable Future in the Food and Drink Industry

At MTK Industries, we recognize the gravity of pioneering toward a sustainable future in food and drink packaging. Continuous research, innovation, and adherence to stringent regulatory standards are the cornerstones of our strategy. By developing machinery and equipment that supports the manufacturing of sustainable packaging alternatives, we aspire to lead the wave of change essential for an ecological balance.


The discourse surrounding the transition to sustainable food packaging reflects broader societal and environmental imperatives. MTK Industries remains steadfast in its commitment to combat the ongoing challenge posed by fossil-based plastics. Emphasizing the adoption of bio-based materials in food packaging not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also represents a commitment to the health of our planet and future generations. We are Machinery & Equipment Specialists—where reliability meets innovation. For a deeper insight into how we can support your packaging needs sustainably, please contact Kevin McNeece at MTK Industries for all your machinery and equipment requirements.

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